Okay, after the complete insanity [it's okay, you can insert the word EPIC if you so desire] of yesterday's post, I decided to tone it down a bit for today's....but only a bit, because, and here's a shocker, I am also a HUGE Christmas movie buff. No, really, just ask my friend George who likes to give this Christmas quiz slideshow and I know all the answers every year. Yeah, I'm that good.....or that sad, depending on your opinion and stance on Christmas movies.

First of all, you should know that Connollys are very very big on tradition. And by Connollys I mean my immediate family, I cannot speak for the extended Connollys, much as I love them. Anyway, we have a rule that there will be no Christmas anything before Thanksgiving, because that holiday deserves all the respect a holiday can get. We officially kick off the Christmas season on Thanksgiving, after we have all feasted and napped, by watching

It is a musical adaptation of the book A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, and it is truly a classic. It has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. In my opinion, it is the best version of it. Albert Finney is amazing, playing both the young Scrooge and old, and delivers a believeable performance of a true character transformation. And the music is awesome. And to share a quote, "
There is never enough time to do or say all the things that we would wish. The thing is to try to do as much as you can in the time that you have. Remember Scrooge, time is short, and suddenly, you're not there any more."
Beyond that first movie, things are far less structured, but no less opinionated. See the following list for movies and opinions. If you don't agree, that is your perrogative and I will allow it. But don't expect to sway me, I am immovable! =)
A Charlie Brown Christmas -- CLASSIC! Grew up with this movie, know all the lines, and consider it a significant part of the Christmas movie collection. Linus tells us just what Christmas is all about, and they sing Hark the Herald Angels Sing, and it's just awesome. "
Do you have pantophobia?" snicker...
Garfield's Christmas -- CLASSIC! Again, a rather important part of Christmas movies from my younger days, and currently as well. Nothing like Garfield aroung the holidays to make things happier! They go to Jon's parents' house and it's just hilarious, particularly the Grandma! "
If I'm not back in an hour, send a banana cream pie after me."
Christmas Eve on Sesame Street -- Mock if you dare, but I seriously love this movie and so do my sisters, and so do, as we found out, another family of fully grown children/adults in the area. WE'RE NOT ALONE! This movie is so cute, and I fully intend to share it with my children one day. "
And if that isn't a true blue miracle, I don't know what one is."
The Polar Express -- ever since this movie came out, it has been a favorite of mine. I always loved the book, but seeing it in movie form was really special. The music is awesome, and I have always loved the theme of Believe for Christmas. "
Though I've grown old, the bell still rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe."
How the Grinch Stole Christmas -- ANIMATED VERSION! Sorry, this is one I will not bend on. The animated classic is SO MUCH BETTER than the feature film with Jim Carrey. It just is. The end. "
He puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before! Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more!"
The Santa Clause -- This has been a favorite of mine for a LONG time. Tim Allen as Scott Calvin is hilarious and the little guy who plays his son Charlie is adorable. I just love how Charlie believes the entire movie and only towards the end does Scott believe it too. Again with the believing theme, but a GREAT family flick, and totally hilarious. "
What are you talking about? Everybody likes Denny's! It's an American institution!"
Miracle on 34th Street -- the OLD ONE! You don't have to watch it in black and white, but this version, the CLASSIC, is the best. Maureen O'Hara, John Payne, Edmund Gwenn, and Natalie Wood. Awesome, amazing, terrific...can't think of enough good words. Plus, they sing in Dutch. BONUS! "
But... but maybe he's only a little crazy like painters or composers or... or some of those men in Washington."
The Muppet Family Christmas -- I suspect you all may think that I'm a little childish [sticking tongue out at you], but this is also a classic. The Muppets surprise Fozzie's mother by showing up unannounced for Christmas, and hilarity ensues! So good! "
Whoa-ho, is this piano out of tune! I love out of tune pianos."
Claymation Christmas Special -- Okay, I have no idea what this thing is actually called, but I still love it. Very fond memories of childhood with this one. Skating hippos, soulful singing camels, the California Raisins, waffles... It's got it all! "
I told you there was a song about snacks!"
A Christmas Story -- Another classic. A little boy who wants a Red Rider BB Gun for Christmas and all he has to go through to get it. His imagination runs wild and it is truly hilarious. If you've never seen it, you are missing out! "
Okay, Black Bart, now you get yours!"
It's A Wonderful Life -- I LOVE this movie. I really truly do. One of my absolute favorite Christmas movies--heck, one of my favorite movies PERIOD. Jimmy Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore.... Classic cast. This is just a masterpiece, and I fully intend to make it a significant part of my Christmas traditions. "
No man is a failure who has friends."
{Classic photo from the film. Beautiful.}
The Natvity Story -- This beautiful movie only joined my collection recently, and I absolutely adore it. Keisha Castle-Hughes delivers a powerful and stirring performance as Mary, a young girl with an incredible mission, and Oscar Isaac is amazing with his portrayal of Joseph, the humble carpenter with a huge weight on his shoulders. This movie gives a whole new scope to the story we read so often at Christmas. "There is a will for this child greater than my fear of what they may do."
{Does it get any better than this?}
So those are my Christmas favs. I know there are others, but did you really want me to go on? I thought not. What are your favs? Share with the class! Then we can all watch a ton of Christmas movies together wtih popcorn and hot chocolate! Party time!
*Sorry for the complete LACK of toning down. I didn't mean for this to be so long. Really.