Tuesday, July 27, 2010


It seems like it's been forever since I've posted anything, probably because it HAS been forever since I've posted anything. But that's mostly due to the fact that I have a very boring life.
No, really, I do. I work and I go to church, and once in a while, I actually get to go to one of those crazy fun activities that I help plan. But lately, I've been dead to the world because of circumstances that are mostly beyond my control. I hope that changes soon.
You know what I realized today? The summer sky is one of the prettiest things I've ever seen. It's so bright and blue and gorgeous! The only thing better is probably a clear fall sky when all the leaves are changing color and there's a tiny bit of a nip in the air.
Here's something else I realized: I like getting into a warm car. Not a hot car, or a "so hot it will be an oven" car, but a gently warmed car. I really do enjoy it. Bizarre, I know.
Hmm, what else.... I miss Carly. I know, I hasn't even been a month since I last saw her, but when you spend any extended amount of time with that little munchkin, she takes a hold of your heart and any time away from her is sad. On the upside, her family is moving in a few weeks and thanks to a week in move out/move in dates, they are crashing at our place for a week! YAY!!!!!! And it's almost Carly's first birthday. I KNOW. One year already, isn't that nuts? I still don't have a present for her, so I need to get up on that.
Umm....we just passed the 5 month til Christmas mark, so get your shopping started, time's a ticking away! Does anybody else automatically think of Christmas whenever it's the 25th, or is that just me?
I miss my siblings (yes, Erin, this means you too). I have seen them sporatically this summer, but we always have so much fun tpgether and I'm all alone at the house right now, and Jenny was right, being the only child isn't that great! Not that I don't love my parents, because I do a lot. But siblings are special, and I want mine back!
Ok, here's a confession: I have zero self control. Ok, not all the time, but when it comes to certain things (ie. dvds, books, music) I am the weakest link. Amazon and ebay are my best friends....and my worst enemies. I need to block those sites from my computer just so I won't buy anything else! But that little voice gets into my head and says, "It's ok, you just got paid. You can afford it." And that is all true, but it's a terrible habit to have! How do I stop it???
Well, hope you've all enjoyed my rambling catch-up today. Maybe I'll actually have a themed post sometime soon.
But maybe not.

1 comment:

Celeste said...

I like the random posts best of all! Because they tell more about YOU then what you did. Also, as for the bad habits, I say don't stop all together (because it's hard to do), but set aside a little money as sort of an allowance...for example, Paul & I have recently decided to get those American Express Giftcards with a limited budget on them, and that's our fun money for the month...because it's too tempting to dip into our bank account otherwise!