That was what I told my boss this morning when she heard me talking about Christmas scrubs. I was sporting my new Merry Grinch-mas scrubs today, and was saying how I'd love to have some Christmas Charlie Brown ones, and she started laughing at me. So I gave that awesome reply, which made everybody laugh.
Ah, well, it's great to be good at something.
But the truth is, I really am a great big Christmas dork. I am so delighted by the smallest things that relate to Christmas. I'll go into more detail in a minute, but I have decided that for the next 25ish days I'm going to do a post of something Christmas related. I have no idea right now what they will be, but because I am such a Christmas dork, I have no doubt that I can do it.
Ok, for starters, I have around 1000 Christmas songs on my ipod. No, I am not kidding. Ask my sister-in-law, who wanted to make some Christmas CDs and suddenly found herself completely overwhelmed in a Christmas music overload. It was more than scary, and I felt a little guilty about making her sift through it all, but remember, I am a great big Christmas dork.
For two, last night, on my mom's birthday, I helped my parents pick out a tree (which is not nearly as exciting as it used to be, but that's not necessarily a bad thing), spent a good few minutes just standing there smelling it (really, you should try it), and then helped my dad finish putting up the Christmas lights, which is my yearly project, probably because I'm the only one who still gets excited enough to WANT to do it. Not that the others don't like Christmas lights, cuz they do (we're all a little dorky about that), but not enough to put them up.
For three, my Thanksgiving tradition involves watching the Macy's parade in its entirety, because it cannot be the Christmas season without Santa coming in at the end. I can hear you all now: "WOOOOOWWWWWWW, she really IS a great big Christmas dork." Yeah, I know. I tried to warn you.
For four, in case you missed it above, I am wearing Merry Grinch-mas scrubs right now. And wished for Charlie Brown Christmas scrubs. And yesterday I envied a co-worker her Rudolph ones. Nuff said.
For five, I have the least amount of self control around this time of year. I want to buy everything related to Christmas. When I go to book stores, I am instantly drawn to the Christmas children's books and very seriously consider buying some. "But Becky," you say, "you have no children!" Yes, thank you, I know, but what if I want to read them? And I will have children eventually, so why not buy some now? I have a ton of Christmas movies and Christmas books already, and it gets worse every year.
And finally, for the moment, at least, it is not uncommon to hear me squeal like a little girl at random points during this season about something. I kid you not, I heard one of my favorite Christmas songs on my ipod this morning already, and I squealed. I saw Christmas trees and ornaments last night and I squealed. I discussed plans to watch a Christmas movie with candy cane hot chocolate while wearing one of my many sets of Christmas pajamas with my roommate and I squealed repeatedly. It is bad, people.
And yet....I totally love every minute! But remind me not to discuss the current state of my sock drawer since pulling out the Christmas ones....[bites finger].
And for your viewing pleasure, may I present:

Isn't it cute? Seriously. If only it lit up and blinked and stuff... Sorry, my dork is showing again.